Hello everybody I'm am SCR or Source Code Rider. I thought I should really post something since i am an editor on here and help Charlie on allot of his builds. This is new to me i normally just talk at a camera so i do apologist in advance for any mistakes i might make during this.
Here's a bit of background as to how me and charlie came to know each other, we met in school many years ago, he was the new kid being transferred from another school in a difference county so he could live with his father. At the point we met I had an interest in motorcycle and knew about the custom scene but didn't own one and had no idea how to get a licence or how to ride a bike.
After a while he invited me over to his house, where I got to see for the fist time a late model Fs-1. it wasn't quite finished yet still needed work and a few thing bolting together, but it was a drop dead gorgeous; bronze moped, very retro, very cool as a fist bike for somebody of his age, This is the very same bike that you see in the banner at the top of the page. This was also the first bike me and charlie ever did any work on together, because although I had never ridden a motorcycle, I had worked on two stokes a little bit and I have a great interest in mechanical engineering.
Not long after we started 6th form I got my fist bike a 1994 Suzuki Gn125 which i still own to this day although she doesn't look quite this good anymore. Although when I bought it I couldn't ride it due to my age at the time so it sat around in storage until my birthday when the garage I bought it from delivered it to me. Me and this bike covered over 7000 miles in the fist year, I couldn't believe it and every time it would just start on the button no fuss no drama just a good solid work horse.

But before that me and charlie were sat around in the new year twiddling our thumbs for something to do.
Charlie then mentioned he had a old trials bike behind his shed, and so began the adventures of the ke100.
That alone needs it's own thread to talk about properly.
Any way time carried on and bikes came, went, got rebuilt and torn down. We went to rallys and had a blast over the last 3 years or so. Meeting Charlie and getting a motorcycle were the best thing to ever happen to me and I am proud to call Charlie my Brother.
I hope this give you a bit of insight into how me and charlie came to be the team we are now, and that you found this even slightly interesting and can stand my lack of grammar and spelling. hopefully I will post a few more of these tell a few more stories about bike's we have had in and out the shop over the years.
Don't forget to visit my youtube channel if you haven't already, I would love to see your comments and support. www.youtube.com/user/SourceCodeRider
Here's a bit of background as to how me and charlie came to know each other, we met in school many years ago, he was the new kid being transferred from another school in a difference county so he could live with his father. At the point we met I had an interest in motorcycle and knew about the custom scene but didn't own one and had no idea how to get a licence or how to ride a bike.
After a while he invited me over to his house, where I got to see for the fist time a late model Fs-1. it wasn't quite finished yet still needed work and a few thing bolting together, but it was a drop dead gorgeous; bronze moped, very retro, very cool as a fist bike for somebody of his age, This is the very same bike that you see in the banner at the top of the page. This was also the first bike me and charlie ever did any work on together, because although I had never ridden a motorcycle, I had worked on two stokes a little bit and I have a great interest in mechanical engineering.
Not long after we started 6th form I got my fist bike a 1994 Suzuki Gn125 which i still own to this day although she doesn't look quite this good anymore. Although when I bought it I couldn't ride it due to my age at the time so it sat around in storage until my birthday when the garage I bought it from delivered it to me. Me and this bike covered over 7000 miles in the fist year, I couldn't believe it and every time it would just start on the button no fuss no drama just a good solid work horse.

But before that me and charlie were sat around in the new year twiddling our thumbs for something to do.
Charlie then mentioned he had a old trials bike behind his shed, and so began the adventures of the ke100.
That alone needs it's own thread to talk about properly.
Any way time carried on and bikes came, went, got rebuilt and torn down. We went to rallys and had a blast over the last 3 years or so. Meeting Charlie and getting a motorcycle were the best thing to ever happen to me and I am proud to call Charlie my Brother.
I hope this give you a bit of insight into how me and charlie came to be the team we are now, and that you found this even slightly interesting and can stand my lack of grammar and spelling. hopefully I will post a few more of these tell a few more stories about bike's we have had in and out the shop over the years.
Don't forget to visit my youtube channel if you haven't already, I would love to see your comments and support. www.youtube.com/user/SourceCodeRider
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